Below are the fresh organic fruit for U-pick at Paul’s Organic Farm. Please see our schedule for hours of operation.

Our strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries have been selected based on their superior taste and ripening time, in order to provide great tasting fruit throughout the summer months and on into the fall. The blueberry rows are staggered between varieties to provide maximum pollination, with the early bloomers starting at the top of the hill.

We have 12 different cultivars of hardy kiwi, all providing a slightly different and unique taste; ‘Anna’ has a hint of pineapple in it, and ‘Ken’s Red’ tastes a little like watermelon. In addition to the 150 vines we have growing in our pergola, we propagated another 300 vines in the greenhouse last year and have turned the perimeter fence of our new field (6 acres) into a kiwi trellis.
View the Images Below for Our Legends & Ripening Schedules