Notwithstanding the Memorial Weekend frost that caught most of our early blueberry varieties and some of our stone fruit in full bloom last year, we were able to realize a substantial amount of fruit that sold out rather quickly.
Consequently, we’re growing in leaps and bounds in order to satisfy our hungry neighbors. We planted another acre of blueberries in the fall, a dozen more cherry trees last week, and are waiting for delivery of thousands more strawberry and raspberry plants.

We are also in the process of preparing a three-acre semi-dwarf apple orchard that will accommodate 480 exciting new varieties propagated exclusively for organic cultivation. Unfortunately, we don’t expect this orchard to produce apples until 2019, but we still have a dozen heirloom standard trees that lend themselves quite nicely to climbing pickers.

The decision to plant more apples, cherries, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries was prompted by the overwhelming response we received from our customers requesting ripening alerts, which we used to gauge interest in various fruit. So if there’s more of a particular type of fruit you’d like to see planted on our farm, please take a minute to fill out the updates and request form.
Looking forward to an amazing and fruitful 2016!