It looks as though I might have been a little too optimistic about opening early this year, as the blueberries are taking their time turning blue. I’m hoping we can open next Thursday, the 29th, but if you signed up for fruit ripening alerts, you’ll be sure to get one when they’re ready, or just check back here for updates throughout the summer.
We’ve been flooded with calls for strawberries, and unfortunately, the June bearing hybrid varieties we planted last year did not winter in our trellises. We do however have the day neutral ever bearing Mara Des Bois strawberries which will be ripe later this summer. We are super disappointed with the hybrids, but will take measures to correct the problem so that we have plenty of June berries next year.
The raspberries are coming along nicely, and should be ready soon. We have black, purple, red and gold, but you’ll have to wait till the fall for the gold. Unlike the last couple of years, we do have some stone fruit this year including nectarines and peaches. These will be ready mid-summer.
And yes, we still have some large koi for sale, at wholesale prices of course. Stay tuned for further updates.