Apples, blueberries, kiwis and plums. That’s what’s on board for this summer. The wet, cold spring precluded us from getting our strawberries in, and the raspberries and blackberries didn’t fare well either.

The blueberries on the other hand have never looked better, and our fall and spring plantings should triple our production this year over last year.

The absence of any late spring frosts allowed the hardy kiwi to really take off, and we should have more than just samples for everyone to try this year.
They’re sweeter than their tropical cousin, have no fuzz, and require no peeling. They’ll be ready alongside the apples in late September and early October.
We’re excited to announce that the semi-dwarf apples we planted in our new field just two years ago will begin producing this year! The Honeycrisp and Goldrush varieties look amazing.
The plums also look very good this year, and we should have plenty of the Chinese gold variety to go around. We lost several of our large cherry trees this winter, so there will be no cherries available unfortunately.
Opening date is scheduled for Friday, July 12thfor blueberry picking. The sweethearts ripen first, and you don’t want to miss them! We look forward to seeing you here.