2023 looks full of promise: There were no late spring frosts to catch the berry and fruit tree flowers in full bloom, and consequently, we should have a decent fruit set this year!
The blueberry bushes are once again loaded, and we are looking at a banner crop. For those of you who have not been here, we are USDA organic, and have never sprayed our berries with anything!
We’re receiving lots of calls for strawberries already, and after testing several varieties last year, we decided on the A.C. Wendy’s, Cabot’s and Galletta’s, which we just finished planting in our unique strawberry trellises. (No bending over and no weeds to contend with) As we’re getting a late start, these berries won’t ripen for another month, and should be ready to pick when we open for blueberries on July 14th.

The plums and prunes look good this year, and if we can keep the plum curricula off them for another month, they’ll be ready as well.
We also have a decent pear fruit set, so pear enthusiasts delight.
The kiwi look better than they have in a couple years, lots of flowers, let’s hope they set a healthy crop.
We’re still replanting the raspberry and blackberry field, and have added some new varieties in addition to the fall gold that everybody wants.
Finally, we talked about a music fest 2 years ago, but couldn’t get the Town’s permission for ‘public assembly’ in time to put it together. We have that now, so we’re now trying to plan something for the fall. More on that later.
Opening day is July 14, that’s when our sweetheart blueberries (the sweetest of all) will be ripe.
Hop to see you all here.