Thank god its finally drying out with sunny warm weather hopefully here to stay.
For all of you looking for strawberries, you’ll have to be patient this year, as the cold wet weather has slowed their growth to a crawl. The blueberry plants, however, are having their best year yet, and are absolutely loaded. They’re about 2-3 weeks from being ripe.
The raspberries and blackberries got off to a soggy start, but are quickly drying out and now coming along nicely. The early varieties (black & red) should be ready right behind or along side the blueberries, and yes, we will have the gold raspberries again this fall!
The big surprise this year are the kiwi plants. These are the hardy variety, Actinidia Arguta, native to Japan, Korea, Northern China, and Russian Siberia. And as those of you who have been out and tried, they are incredibly tasty, the size of grapes, and much sweeter with no fuzz to peel like their larger New Zealand cousins. Normally these vines don’t produce fruit for 5-7 years, but we were able to jump start them in our greenhouse and now have 2 year vines flowering all along our perimeter fences. These will ripen alongside the apples from late September to mid October.
We do have some stone fruit this year, but it will be limited.
We normally open on the last Thursday of June, but this year it looks like we’ll be able to open with the blueberries by June 22nd. Stay tuned, hope to see you all here!