Although I thought that our bumper blueberry crop would be finished by now, it looks as though we’ll have yet another weekend or two before we’re picked out, as some of our later varieties just keep on producing.
The semi-dwarf apple field we planted just 2 summers ago is starting to produce this year, and the fruit looks amazing! We may not get a lot of fruit from these specialty trees this year, but their future holds a lot of promise. Our larger standard trees have a decent crop set and should be ready for harvest beginning mid-September. Stay tuned.
For all of you stone fruit seekers, we had a disappointing year as late spring frosts precluded us from having any crop to speak of. We’re hoping for some next year, but in our micro-climate, it’s always iffy.
Several years ago, just as they were beginning to produce, all but a handful of our hardy kiwi vines were frozen when winter temperatures exceeded -25 degrees for an extended period of time.
We propagated some 500 new vines from the survivors, and those vines are for the first time producing this year. We won’t have enough for u-pick this year, but will have enough to sell and sample at the apple stand next month. They are twice as sweet as their tropical cousin and require no peeling as they have smooth not fuzzy skin.
As always, hope to see you here.